Member-only story
UK Government to ban plastic straws
Plastic, drink stirrers and other single-use plastic will be sharply limited in the UK starting next year! A hopeful day for the Zero Waste Movement.
In a press release, the UK Government has announced that it will place new restrictions on certain kind of single-use plastic waste. The reason being, the effort to limit ocean plastic waste. It is likely that other factors played a significant part, as the refusal of China to buy plastic scrap from third countries, a notion that has been slowly adopted by other countries like Malaysia and Philippines. Already today, the landfill cost in the UK is among the highest in the world with the still-looming Brexit, making the shipment to other European Countries less and less likely.
In the future, you will have to ask for a straw in a restaurant or bar. The sale of straws, plastic-stemmed cotton buds and drink stirrers will also no longer be available for purchase in supermarkets. Patients and people with disabilities will only be able to purchase these products in pharmacies. The UK is the first major industrial country to ban some common kinds of single-use plastics. The UK Government estimates that the number of plastic straws will drop from a…